Another Blog?!?!?

If you’re like me you might be thinking, not ANOTHER blog. There are so many people with personal blogs, business blogs, lifestyle blogs, fashion blogs, just to name a few. The point is that the blog world is nothing new to any of us. There’s so many influencers giving the world insight on how to live their best lives, take control of their financial freedom, and even how to gain new followers. Well, this is a blog, a new blog in fact. However, it’s not just another blog. The Pursuit of Healing was created to help walk women through inner healing. I know it’s not something we hear of often when we think of blogging, and it doesn’t sound glamorous like all of the other known blogs. I am not concerned with how glamorous is sounds; I am concerned about the wholeness of each woman’s soul that joins our healing community. Our focus is to help women heal, provide resources, mentorship, accountability, counseling, and coaching so that every woman who comes in contact with this blog community embraces healing and thrives in wholeness. Amongst many things, I’d like to call myself the Soul Guru, and this blog is a reflection of my desire to help heal the broken souls of women globally. It is my mandate to offer tangible resources within my reach to make sure the participants in our community accomplish their goals, have access to and obtain healing, and are able to live liberated in the fullness of their purpose. With that being said, welcome to our community where you are able to be REAL about where you are in your healing journey, receive accountability and break barriers. We are honored to have you join us. Welcome to your journey to wholeness.
With Love,
Yasmeen Ojwang, MSW